Iperf Windows Gui

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  6. Iperf Windows Gui Download

This is a python 2.7 program to give a graphical front end to iperf3

May 01, 2013  The application is a frontend for Iperf, a popular command-line utility for bandwidth measurements. Due to JPerf, users no longer need to get accustomed to command-line. In my last post, I talked about using iperf to look at network performance.This post looks at using a close relation of iperf called jperf. Jperf is actually a GUI front end to the iperf application. What is iPerf / iPerf3? IPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6). Using iperf on a Microsoft Windows system Iperf is a free open-source software tool that provides a capability to measure the throughput between two hosts using both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data streams.

NOTE: This is a python 2.7 program

If you want to use it with python 3.xx some work will need to be done.

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, and Windows 10, no guarantees on anything else!

The meter.py code was found on the net somewhere and modified by me, so if you recognize it - credit to whoever you are

See https://iperf.fr/iperf-servers.php for details of the servers included as defaults.

Revision History

V1.2 - Added Yandex maps service due to impending google requirement for API key (both services now supported)V1.1 - Big re-write with new features, including google mapsV1.0 : First release

NOTE: You are responsible for complying with all google/Yandex Terms of Service


This program has the following features:

Iperf Windows Guide

  • enter your own server ip/fqdn
  • pre-sets for public iperf3 servers
  • ports configurable (and presets)
  • several (not all) options graphically configurable
  • large gauge display
  • auto ranging
  • works on windows or linux
  • shows ping values
  • gives download and upload speeds
  • shows Distance/City/Country of server
  • shows map of geography
  • saves data in config.ini file


You need iperf3 installed. It can be downloaded from here: https://iperf.fr/iperf-download.php


The program will optionally use pyping if you have it installed, otherwise it uses plain old ping.

See:https://pypi.org/project/pyping/install with pip install pyping

if you don't have a google API key, and you want to use maps, the program will attempt to use the free Yandex service (because OpenStreetMaps is hard to use), which requires the use of PIL/pillow to convert the map image format. if you don't have a google API key, or PIL/pillow, maps will be disabled.

NOTE: This may not work on some platforms

The app even has a speech recognition feature which means that you can find out what a word means simply by saying it out loud.Not just meanings and translation, you can learn English through short tests available at one tab. Koza dictionary apk free download. List of mini games is present to practice your language.With internet connection available, you can listen to pronunciations and even look for definitions from Wikipedia or Collins Dictionary.


First you need python 2.7 installed. This program will not work with Python 3.x without some work

now clone the repository from GitHub (obviously you need git installed)

You should now have the program iperf.py - make sure the file is executable

No need to install anything, you can just run the program as is.

run ./iperf.py -h (or python ./iperf.py -h if you are on windows)

Quick Start

You need to know the pathname of your iperf3 executable, the default is iperf3, but you can use the -I option to specify the pathnamefor example on my Windows system I use

Because my iperf3.exe is in my D:/utils directory.Using Linux, the default usually works just fine (if iperf3 was installed using apt-get or is otherwise in your PATH, so you would use:

You may need to be Administrator to use ping - it works fine for me as none-Administrator, but read the pyping page (if you are using it).

To test on your local network, you will need another computer running another copy of iperf3 as as server:

You can then test your local network/wifi speeds against the new server you just started using it's ip address.

If you select a remote server, you can test your actual internet speeds.

You can enter a new server in the 'server' combobox, if it validates as an iperf3 server, the new server (plus maps etc) will be saved in the config.ini file, and automatically loaded the next time the program is started.

You can add your own servers/ip addresses as a command line option -ip as a list of servers - these will not be saved in the config.ini file.Only remote servers are saved in the config.ini file, all local/private ip addresses are stored under your external ip address.If your external ip address cannot be determined, then maps are disabled. Also, if your external ip address changes, then new maps/distances will be stored in the config.ini file - in addition to the existing ones. So if you use a laptop, and move around, various maps/distances will be stored and reused depending on where you are. This is all automatic. If it goes wrong somehow, just delete config.ini and start again.

That's it!

  • TurboFuture»
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JPerf is a graphical front end for the popular network testing tool Iperf. Using JPerf you can quickly test a WAN or LAN connection to determine the maximum network throughput. The test results are automatically graphed and presented in a format that is easy to read. JPerf can also be used to detect packet loss, delay, jitter, and other common network problems.

JPerf provides many benefits over Iperf which is a command line only application. Besides being reliable and easy to use JPerf is completely free. The utility is fully open source and runs on both Windows or Linux systems.

Whether you're trying to diagnose a problem in your home network or troubleshoot the performance of a WAN link JPerf can handle the task.

Installing JPerf on Windows

JPerf requires that Java version 1.5 or newer is installed before it will run. You can visit Java.com to download the latest version or verify if it is correctly installed on your computer.

To get JPerf running you will need to download the jperf-2.0.2.zip file from the JPerf Google code page.

There isn't an installer so simply extract the contents of the zip file to a location on your computer such as C:JPerf.

To launch the JPerf utility run jperf.bat.

Installing JPerf on Linux

On Linux the Java executable must be in your system path, to verify this type java -version in a shell. You should see output similar to what's below.

#java -version
java version '1.6.0_18'
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)

If you don't see this make sure Java is installed and is within your path.

Next download the JPerf zip file, the same archive is used for Windows or Linux. The folder can be extracted to any location, for example /usr/bin/jperf.

Within the jperf directory you downloaded is a script called jperf.sh. This script must be made executable by running chmod u+x jperf.sh from within the JPerf directory.

Finally, to launch the application run ./jperf.sh.

Setting up a JPerf Server

Iperf Windows Gui Free

JPerf is designed to run as a client/server application. To run a test you will need to set up a JPerf server on your network. Then you can run a JPerf client from another location on the network which will connect to the remote server.

To start the JPerf server select the radio button labeled server then click Run IPerf. By default JPerf runs in TCP mode and listens on port 5001.


Connecting a client to the server

To connect to the JPerf server to run a test you'll need to first select the client radio button. In the server address field type in the IP address of the computer running the JPerf server. To begin the test click on run iPerf in the upper right hand corner of the app.

By default JPerf will run a 10 second TCP test using 1 stream. While the test is running the graph will update in real time to reflect the results.

There are several options that can be adjusted to modify the parameters of the test.

Application layer options

  • Transmit - Run the test for a specified number of seconds, or until a certain amount of bytes have been transferred.
  • Output Format - Test results can be changed to display bits, bytes, kbytes, etc.
  • Report Interval - This adjusts how often the graph results are updated.

Transport layer options

There are several TCP options that can be modified such as buffer length, window size, and MSS. JPerf can also function in UDP mode, although the server must be operating in UDP mode in order for this test to work.

JPerf Tips and Tricks

Below are a few useful tips for improving your JPerf results.

Iperf Windows 7

  1. Use Parallel streams - The bandwidth of a single TCP session is limited by several factors. By using parallel streams you can easily saturate a very high bandwidth connection. In the JPerf client settings you can specify the number of streams to use. I've found 10 to be a good number.
  2. Run a Bi-Directional Test - By default JPerf transmits data from the client to the server. By selecting the dual testing mode under application layer options JPerf will send data in both directions at the same time.
  3. Use a representative file - JPerf has a cool ability that allows you to select a file to be transmitted to the server during the test. This function allows you to simulate a real world data transfer across your network in a controlled manner.
  4. Use JPerf to create iPerf commands - Since JPerf uses iPerf as a back end to run all of the tests you can use JPerf to help you build useful iPerf commands. Select the test options you want using the GUI and then copy the command it created from the box at the top of the application.

Expanding Your Knowledge

Now that you are familiar with JPerf I would recommend learning more about iPerf and how to run it from the command line. IPerf is designed for Linux but you can compile IPerf for Windows as well.

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Iperf Download Windows 10

JPerf and Iperf tests can be run cross platform, eg: Linux to Windows or vice versa which makes it a highly useful tool for network testing. I've found both of these tools to be indispensable for diagnosing and troubleshooting network problems.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Iperf Windows Gui Download

  • Hello skear ,

    I am using Jperf for testing my NTP server throughput. For sending NTP packet(48 bytes) i am using the ' representative' file in .bin format. I just written 48 bytes in the file and i am able to send the packet through gui.

    When i observe the packet in wireshark, after IP and UDP header its appending 38 bytes and then remaining data it is taking from the '.bin file'.

    From where this 38 bytes are including? Is i cannot send 48 bytes of data after UDP header?

    Please suggest some solution for the above issue.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Great write up, this helped me!

    I have one question about the parallel streams, why do large bandwidth pipes require multiple streams to saturate the pipe?