Deploy Xap Windows Phone 10

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Active3 years, 2 months ago
  1. Deploy Xap Windows Phone 10 3
  2. Xap Apps For Windows Phone
  3. Deploy Xap Windows Phone 10 Release Date

I am using a Nokia lumia630 device, which uses latest windows 10 insider preview build available.

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Visual Studio allows you to directly deploy an app to a windows phone. You need to register your windows phone as a development phone with Microsoft. Once this is done, you could use visual studio to do this for you. Not sure if you can deploy windows 10 apps to your phone at the moment. Cara Deploy XAP lebih dari sepuluh. Langsung saja yaa. Pastikan sudah di Unlock Lumianya. Kalo belum cari caranya di blog ini. Caranya: Cabut SD Card dari Lumia / WP Phone; Install / Deploy XAP Tanpa SD Card! Masukan kembali SD card dan Restart Phone; Pindahkan XAP dari internal memory ke SD Card menggunakan Storage Sense.

i created a sample windows UWP application and took a build of the same.The output of the build is an Appx.

How can i install this Appx to my device? Anyone having any idea?

8731 gold badge8 silver badges21 bronze badges

5 Answers

Deploying apps to Win 10 Mobile is a bit difficult when using the command line tool. A great alternative is the Device Portal that is available under the “For Developer” settings.Its available with the latest build.

Now You can connect to the device using a web browser and manage apps via the Apps page with no pairing/pin required. This seems to be an easy way of deploying apps than using command line.

8731 gold badge8 silver badges21 bronze badges

Microsoft developed a command line tool called WinAppDeployCmd so you can deploy an Universal Windows app from a Windows 10 machine to any Windows 10 Mobile device via USB or WiFi (since they're on the same subnet). That's a perfect solution if you doesn't have Visual Studio, the app source code or you're under a Hyper-V Virtual Machine.

Basically you will need:

  1. Generate the .appx package (PC)
  2. Enable the developer mode (Mobile)
  3. Turn on the discovery mode (Mobile)
  4. Get the code to pair devices (Mobile)
  5. Get mobile IP address using WinAppDeployCmd tool (PC)
  6. Run command (PC)

The command will look like this

The tool can be found at C:Arquivos de Programas (x86)Windows Kits10binx86WinAppDeployCmd.exe

You can find a detailed step-by-step tutorial here


Visual Studio allows you to directly deploy an app to a windows phone. You need to register your windows phone as a development phone with Microsoft. Once this is done, you could use visual studio to do this for you. Not sure if you can deploy windows 10 apps to your phone at the moment. Try this link and see: Remember to Upvote if this helps.

Deploy Xap Windows Phone 10 3

Jason LesserJason Lesser

You can register your Windows Phone 10 in developer mode. Follow these steps and you can achieve your goal.

Christian AmadoChristian Amado
9001 gold badge6 silver badges28 bronze badges
Deploy xap windows phone 10 plus

When you use device portal like mentioned in the answers above, some might get the following error'Failed to start deployment. Failure text: Package failed updates, dependency or conflict validation. (0x80073cf3)'

To fix this:Add the dependencies found under 'Dependencies/ARM' folder.Add it here.

I had to add following dependencies to make it work:Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0.appxMicrosoft.VCLibs.ARM.Debug.14.00.appx

Xap Apps For Windows Phone


Deploy Xap Windows Phone 10 Release Date

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